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Does Siding Replacement Help With Noise Reduction?

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  • Does Siding Replacement Help With Noise Reduction?

If you live near a road with bustling traffic or just have neighbors with barking dogs and loud kids, outside noise is not something foreign to you. The relentless mixture of sounds can be distracting, especially on days you want peace and quiet around the house. 

Siding Replacement

Today, we talk about how upgrading your siding can help eliminate these outside noises.

Sound Transmission Level Varies Per Material

The level of noise insulation provided by a siding system varies depending on the material. For example, vinyl siding is found to transmit the least amount of noise compared to other siding systems like aluminum and cement. It is most effective in frequencies lower than 4,000 hertz (Hz). Stone and other organic materials, on the other hand, perform better for frequencies higher than 4,000 Hz.

Weight and thickness also affect the acoustical performance of the material. A heavy and thick material is effective at dampening sounds. With a lighter and thinner material installed, expect your siding system to block less amount of outside noise.

Other Ways to Soundproof Your Home

To further soundproof your home, you will need more mass between your living space and the outside world. You can use double-pane windows and sliding glass doors. Consider adding more foliage to your landscape as well. Dense trees make excellent noise dampeners, reducing sound transmission by up to 40%. If you want to take it up a notch, renovate your walls with stone or brick as these materials are well-known for their noise insulation abilities too.

For roof repair and siding replacement services, look no further than American Roofing & Construction, LLC. Our team aims to provide top-quality products and superior workmanship at reasonable prices. Call us at (910) 964-0114 (Southern Pines) or (919) 917-2118 (Raleigh). You can also fill out our contact form to request a free estimate.

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