
How to Remove Snow on the Roof

snow cleaning from the roof

How to Remove Snow on the Roof

Winter wonderlands are delightful, but the snow that accumulates on your roof can lead to serious damage if not properly managed. It’s essential to take proactive steps to remove snow from your roof, particularly after heavy storms. In this guide, we’ll explore DIY snow removal methods, address the challenge of ice dams, and discuss when it’s best to call in the professionals.


DIY Snow Removal

Taking matters into your own hands when it comes to removing snow from your roof is a viable option, provided you take the necessary safety precautions. Climbing onto your roof can be risky, especially with slippery shingles. Even using a ladder can pose dangers if it becomes icy or slippery. Wait until the weather has stabilized before venturing outside to clear your roof.

Invest in a quality roof rake to effectively remove snow from a safe distance. It’s crucial to handle the rake with care, ensuring it doesn’t knock against your shingles, potentially causing damage. Leave about an inch of snow on the roof to avoid direct contact with the rake, preventing any unintentional harm to your roofing.

Remember to stay cautious and prioritize safety during the DIY snow removal process. Your well-being should always come first.


Ice Dam Removal

When the snow on your roof forms an ice dam, swift removal is crucial to prevent further issues. An effective method involves using a specialized garden hose nozzle that dispenses heated water. This process provides a temporary solution, and you’ll need to repeat it until you address the underlying causes of the ice dam.

Chemical products are another option for preventing roof snow damage. However, exercise caution as these products can potentially harm your landscaping. Always adhere to the product instructions and consider the possibility of multiple applications to achieve the desired effect.


Specialist Snow Removal

In cases where DIY methods are insufficient or if you’re unable to reach the snow on your roof, calling in a professional is the wisest choice. Roof snow removal services offer a safe and efficient way to clear off your roof, ensuring that no damage occurs during the process.

While the cost may vary depending on the size of your home, the average roof snow removal expense typically falls within the range of $200-$500. Investing in professional services not only guarantees your safety but also protects your roof from potential harm caused by inexperienced handling.


Call American Roofing & Construction for Protection

Winter is undoubtedly tough on roofs, but with a bit of forethought and preparation, you can shield your home from the worst storms. To ensure your roof stays in top condition, follow the best practices outlined above.

In the event that snow on the roof becomes overwhelming or poses risks you can’t handle alone, it’s time to call in the pros. At American Roofing & Construction, we take pride in offering expert inspections and prompt repairs for roof snow damage. Safeguard your home by getting a free roof inspection today!

You can reach us at Mobile (251) 379-9712  or Birmingham (205) 223-2469, or send us a message online.

Remember, a proactive approach today can save you from costly repairs tomorrow.

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